IDN Punycode Converter

Some domain names use non-English characters, like Chinese, Arabic, or Cyrillic. How do they function on the web, and how can you reach them? They use IDN Punycode converter, a special encoding method that makes internationalized domain names (IDNs) work with the ASCII standard. On this page, you can use an Online Signature Generator to change between punycode and Unicode, and discover how it works and why it is helpful.

What is IDN Punycode Converter Tool

An IDN Punycode converter is a tool that allows you to convert IDN domain names between their native language characters and their Punycode representation. IDN domain names are domain names that contain characters from non-Latin scripts, such as Chinese or Arabic.

How to Use the IDN Punycode Converter Tool

The IDN Punycode converter tool is a simple and convenient way to encode or decode punycode online. You can use it to convert any Unicode string into punycode, or vice versa.

To use the tool, just follow these steps:

  • Enter your input string in the content box. It can be either punycode, ASCII or IDN/TXT.
  • Select the conversion mode from the Type drop-down menu. You can choose to encode or decode punycode.
  • Click on the Submit button to get the output string.
  • Copy or share the output string as you wish.

Some tips and best practices for using the tool are:

  • Make sure your input string is valid and does not contain any illegal characters.
  • Check the output string for any errors or typos before using it.
  • Use the tool for educational or personal purposes only. Do not use it for malicious or illegal activities.


How Does Punycode Work

Punycode is a form of ASCII-Compatible Encoding (ACE) that encodes Unicode characters into ASCII characters. It is based on a simple algorithm that uses digits, hyphens, and lowercase letters to represent Unicode code points. The algorithm consists of two parts:

  • The basic code points, which are ASCII characters that do not need to be encoded, such as letters, digits, and hyphens. They are copied unchanged to the output string.
  • The extended code points, which are non-ASCII characters that need to be encoded, such as accented letters, symbols, or ideographs. They are encoded using a variable-length sequence of digits and letters, preceded by a hyphen.

The algorithm also adds a special prefix, xn--, to the output string to indicate that it is punycode. For example, the IDN مثال.إختبار  (meaning “example.test” in Arabic) is encoded as xn--mgbh0fb.xn--kgbechtv in punycode.


IDN Punycode converter decoding is the reverse process of punycode encoding. It takes a punycode string as input and converts it back to Unicode. It removes the prefix xn-- and splits the string into two parts: the basic code points and the extended code points. It then decodes the extended code points using a similar algorithm as encoding, and appends them to the basic code points. For example, the punycode xn--fsqu00a.xn--3lr804h is decoded as 例子.测试 (meaning “example.test” in Chinese) in Unicode.


If you want to use punycode for your own domain name, or just want to learn more about it, you can use our free online IDN Punycode converter tool. It can help you to encode or decode punycode easily and quickly. You can also check out other related tools that we have listed below.


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